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IBA Support > news
  • Open Science course
    Open Science training organized by OpenAir for research training staff or for staff intending to deliver open science courses to researchers and students. Candidates for the course must have some knowledge of its subjects. There will be 5 days of the course, half a day each, between December 5-9, 2022….
  • ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Platform
    A new European platform regarding the services that can be offered by research infrastructures is planned: “ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Platform”. The platform is dedicated to decision-makers at national, regional or local level, such as municipalities, citizens, socio-economic actors (SMEs or industry), research organizations and higher education institutions, scientific communities participating…
  • Innovation Norway
    “Innovation Norway” has a call for proposals within the SME Growth Program in Romania, namely the Small Grants Scheme for non-reimbursable measures. Total amount available: EUR 1,000,000. Deadline: Thursday, October 20, 2022, 2:00 p.m. Eligible applicants: SMEs established as legal entities in Romania, registered as legal entities in Romania, non-profit…
  • The Science, Research and Innovation performance of the EU – Report
    Every two years the European Commission publishes “The Science, Research and Innovation performance of the EU” – SRIP Report. It analyzes the EU’s innovation performance in a global context. This year’s report presents six main policy directions for EU research and innovation to ensure EU excellence and top performance, namely:…
  • European Innovation Council Transition Challenges Info Day
    The European Innovation Council (EIC) Transition Unit invites you to a webinar dedicated to the EIC Transition Challenges calls.The next deadline for submitting proposals is September 28, 2022.The EIC Transition call will fund innovation activities that go beyond experimental proof-of-principle in the laboratory. It supports both the maturation and validation…
  • JRC call for internships for researchers
    The European Commission’s Joint Research Center (JRC) has launched its second call for internships for researchers. Interested applicants will have the opportunity to undertake a five-month paid internship, open from October 1, 2022, in a stimulating, multicultural and multidisciplinary research environment in Ispra (Italy), Geel (Belgium), Petten (Countries of )…
  • Horizon Europe – EU Missions calls 2022 – Virtual brokerage event
    Network of Horizon Europe National Contact Points, Bridge2HE, invites you to participate in the virtual networking event in order to find project partners for the forthcoming calls 2022 in Horizon Europe – Missions!  EU Missions are an additional part of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme for 2021-2027 which tackle big societal…
  • EXPRESSION OF INTEREST selected HORIZON EUROPE calls under “Adaptation to climate change Mission”
      Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (AMU) is one of the top Polish universities, with nearly 3,000 academic staff, including 400 tenured professors. AMU mission is to advance knowledge through high quality research and teaching in partnership with business, the professions, public services and other research and learning providers. AMU constitutes…
  • IBA Support – Development potential through technology transfer in the agri-food field in the NW Region, 18.02.2022
    National Research and Development Institute for Food Bioresources, with the NW Regional Development Agency’s support, organizes the workshop Development potential through technology transfer in the agri-food field in the NW Region. The event will take place on February the 18th, 2022, online (ZOOM Platform) and will focus on topics on…
  • Horizon Europe – a new call for proposals in 2022 for reasearch infrastructures
    A new call for proposals is open until 20th April 2022 for funding Research Infrastructures projects under Horizon Europe. The available destinations for the allocated budget are: Enabling operational, open and FAIR EOSC ecosystem Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods and advanced digital solutions Developing, consolidated and optimising…