-3 in Bucharest



“IBA Support” shapes the idea in a concept.



“IBA Support” builds the partnership and together with partners write the proposal.



“IBA Support” submit a successful proposal.


"IBA Support" Management Centre

The Project “Creation of the “IBA Support” Management Centre“, SMIS Code 108234, a project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Competitiveness Operational Programme, has as main objective the increase of the capacity of INCDBA-IBA Bucharest to participate in the European Union Research Framework Programmes (Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe), as well as in other international Research-Development-Innovation programmes, by creating a Support Management Centre – ‘IBA SUPPORT” , as well as promoting and strengthening the position of the Institute in the elite of European centers with expertise in ensuring quality and food safety and in streamlining aspects related to the entire food chain: processing-(bio)technologies-nutrition-consumer.

logo horizon europe

Launch of Horizon Europe
Streamed live on Feb 2, 2021

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”

Henry Ford

Management Centre - "IBA Support"

Promotes and strengthens the position of INCDBA-IBA Bucharest in the elite of European centers with expertise in ensuring quality and food safety and in streamlining aspects related to the entire food chain: processing-(bio)technologies-nutrition-consumer, following below secondary objectives:

  • Structural and functional organization of “IBA Support Managerial Centre”
  • Identification, documentation and information on calls for competitions
  • Building a network for disseminating information and searching for partners in the country and abroad for the preparation of project proposals
  • Preparation of proposals for RDI projects to be submitted to Horizon Europe-funded competitions and other programmes
  • Creation of a complex IT system for the management and reporting of human, material and financial resources used in European RDI projects
Operational Excellence

All of which is reflected in the quality of our results.

Innovative solutions

“IBA Support” provide outstanding service through teamwork.

Targeting and Positioning

“IBA Support” is the 1st Romanian project support centre.

Best Support

The Best Way To Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing.” Walt Disney

submitted proposals
work hours

Suspendisse arcu, consectetur eget urna, condimentum volutpat felis.