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  • Cristina Stanciu
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Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (AMU) is one of the top Polish universities, with nearly 3,000 academic staff, including 400 tenured professors. AMU

mission is to advance knowledge through high quality research and teaching in partnership with business, the professions, public services and other research and learning providers. AMU constitutes a center of academic excellence, where research and teaching are thought of as mutually sustaining.

AMU professors coordinated or were partners in more than 130 research projects funded by the European Union Framework Program and many other international research projects. AMU is part of the Epicur network of European universities. The research team represents two Faculties of the AMU School of Social Sciences.

AMU competencies fit the following calls for proposals:

  • HORIZON-MISS-2021-CLIMA-02-05 Local engagement of citizens in the co-creation of societal transformational change for climate resilience
  • HORIZON-MISS-2021-CLIMA-02-02 Support to the regions in developing pathways towards climate resilience and corresponding innovation agendas
  • HORIZON-MISS-2021-CLIMA-02-01 Development of climate change risk assessments in European regions and communities based on a transparent and harmonised Climate Risk Assessment approach

Those who are interested are invited to contact directly the university.

Author: Cristina Stanciu

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